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utility token

(GEC token)


GreenEnergyCoin (GEC token)

Type of token: Utility token

Standard: ERC20

Smart contract: 0x4bbcf112eda80e57598daf321fc3e36f7896920a  

Description: GreenEnergyCoin

Symbol: GEC

Nominal value: 1 GEC= € 0.10

Total quantity: 2 450 000 000 GEC

Vesting period: 180 days.

Issuer GreenEnergyCoin (GEC token):  OFEK Hi-Tech Investment Foundation,  

Address: 11C10, Stadionstraat, Breda 4815NC, Netherlands .

Registration number (kVk): 70029733

RSIN: 858110647 

GreenEnergyCoin (hereinafter - GEC token ), was issued based on the Ethereum platform and fully compliant with the ERC20 standard. Support of this standard guarantees compatibility of the token with third-party services (wallets, exchanges, listings, etc.), and provides easy integration with these services.


The purpose of issuing a GreenEnergyCoin (GEC token):

·  Attraction of investments to finance the implementation of the project "GEC GREENERGYCOIN" - construction and exploitation of an energy network in the Balkan region; Montenegro and Croatia, consisting of solar power plants with a total capacity of 600 MW of electricity.

Attractiveness of the GEC GREENENERGYCOIN project for Investors:

·  An investor who invests in the project by buying GreenEnergyCoin token (Symbol - GEC ) at the early stages of the project allows in the future to buy electricity for GEC tokens at a lower price, and by selling it, get a higher profit.

·  An investor who invests in the project by buying GreenEnergyCoin (Symbol - GEC ), for the vesting period, receives income in the form of compensation (dividends) of 15% of the amount of investment.

· An investor who invests in the project by buying GreenEnergyCoin (Symbol - GEC ) can pay for various services provided by affiliated companies of OFEK Hi-Tech Investment Foundation holding ;

- business consulting services,

- marketing services,

tourism services,

- IT services,

- development and promotion of technologies,

- as well as other types of services.

· An Investor who invests in the project by buying GreenEnergyCoin (Symbol - GEC ), can buy for GEC token; real estate, diamonds, jewelry, paintings, antiques on our trading platform "OFEK NFT" - .

· An Investor who invests in the project by buying GreenEnergyCoin (Symbol - GEC ), in the future, GEC tokens can be used to buy / sell on cryptocurrency exchanges, and they can be freely exchanged on existing cryptocurrency exchanges on the fiat money.

· An Investor who invests in the project by buying GreenEnergyCoin (Symbol - GEC ), can buy OTI Equity Token (OTI) for it. OTI Equity Token - is a secured token and issued on the basis of securities of OFEK Technology Inc . - CONVERTIBLE PROMISSORY NOTE , which meet the requirements of US law, the rules and requirements of SEC (The United States Securities and Exchange Commission), USA.

Owners of OTI Equity Tokens (Investors), will be charged and paid dividends. The interest rate of dividends payable to Investors is: 22% per annum.

The Issuer of the GEC token , will hold monetary policy towards GEC token . If necessary, the Issuer will use all available and legal methods and means to stabilize the GEC token rate on the market.

In case of expansion of the project and construction of new, additional power plants in order to increase the capacity of generated electricity. The issuer may issue an additional issue of the GEC token .



















Start of the listing in ALTCOINS HUB ECOSYSTEM.
Listing starts of the GreenEnergyCoin token (Symbol -  GEC  ) - August 08, 2022 .

GreenEnergyCoin (Symbol - GEC ) token sale will start on 08/08/2022 at 02:00 , GMT+0.

More details:
Token sale will be held on the international exchange - ALTCOINS HUB , with the assistance of ALTCOINS HUB ECOSYSTEM .
The press release will be published on ALTCOINS HUB in the coming days. Follow the news.


Currently, if you want to buy GEC tokens, you can do so through direct contracts with OFEK Consalting d.o.o.

OFEK Consulting d.o.o. is an official partner and the executing company of the GEC GREENENERGYCOIN project, and provides the opportunity to purchase the cryptocurrency directly. This means that you can avoid intermediaries and get more favorable conditions when buying.

Don't miss your chance to invest in the cryptocurrency of the future.

Contact OFEK Consulting d.o.o. and purchase GEC tokens right now:

Welcome to the project "GEC GREENENERGYCOIN"!

Lets make the World better, and yourself richer!

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